Our next session of Examined Lives will be a conversation about the nature of empathy.
How do how humans make decisions under uncertainty?
Human communication evolved face-to-face, but digital anonymity disrupts this natural social bond.
Shame evolved to help us to maintain conscientious behavior, but in our modern world it may trigger avoidance and isolation.
Crucially, the pattern of heightened reactivity and credulity toward potential threats characteristic of the conservative mind is not associated with fearfulness or timidity, but with confidence in the ability to triumph through force.
Every person is in a position to start consciously evolving their meaning systems for the groups in their own lives.
Misinformation is an epidemic and librarians are the frontline workers.
Education will play a central role in strengthening the mental resilience of current and future generations.
At the core of human adaptation is the solution to the riddle of how a human mind, which was crafted to work with people we know, evolved the instinct to work with people we don’t. But there was a cost, and the result was a seemingly intractable paradox embedded in humanity’s moral compass.
Some psychologists champion what they call ‘positive illusions’, mild misapprehensions about ourselves that are conducive to health and happiness
As a highly social species, humans have an evolved tendency to favor the ‘in-group.’ This trait significantly impacts our immunity, or lack of it, to false or harmful information.
New research suggests there may have been Darwinian mechanisms behind the evolution of witch-hunting phenomena.
Viewing minds through the lens of cognitive immunology can reveal antidotes to misinformation, disinformation, and information chaos.
After initially accepting the metaphor of mental immunity as a useful gift from a cherished friend, my more deeply ingrained worldview now appears to be casting doubts upon it.
Faced with the choice between changing one’s mind and proving there’s no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Some bad ideas get past a mind’s defenses and then hijack the mind’s immune system. These bad ideas recruit the mind’s defenses to protect themselves, even if that recruitment ends up harming the mind that hosts it.
Models from epidemiology are increasingly used to better understand how misinformation spreads in online networks.
The emerging field of “cognitive immunology” may hold solutions to our world’s growing disinformation problems.
Rates of anxiety and depression have been rising in children since the 1980’s and might have accelerated during the last ten years.
Only by understanding the psychology of sacred values can we predict the willingness to sacrifice for those values.
Research shows that when a person moves into a more competitive industry their trust tends to increase.
U.S. immigration is but one example of how the interactions of many diverse minds—our collective brains—drive innovation and ultimately economic growth.
Are there universal features of grammar and syntax?
Can variation and selection within a lifetime be thought of evolutionarily?
This groundbreaking series of conversations seek to integrate Evolutionary Science and Contextual Behavioral Science with a larger audience.
What this potential marriage suggests is there are great possibilities for research, particularly around social relationships.
PsychTable.org is an open-science taxonomy devoted to uncovering the richness and complexity of our evolved human behavior.
Subrena Smith recently argued that “evolutionary psychology, as it is currently understood, is…impossible."
Evolutionary psychologists have not shown that there are specific psychological programs that are written in the genetic foundation of our species. This is the challenge they must meet. Header image credit to ClaudeAI.uk
If most MD, as it is currently diagnosed, is not a disorder, should we keep calling it Major Depression?
This Special Edition features a diverse collection of articles on evolutionary psychology by proponents, critics, and scientists, with the aim to clarify the subject for everyone, from experts to the general public.