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Research suggests that early human diets supported better kidney health by limiting salt and processed foods.
ProSocial World is focused on enhancing psychological flexibility to cultivate a prosocial cultural globally, including in the healthcare sector.
The current anti-vaccination movement is a result, in part, of the innate cognitive biases inherent in our nervous systems that evolved to deal with problems in a very different premodern world.
Cultural evolution created technologically-advanced contexts that make it difficult for doctors to communicate with patients in manners concordant with our evolved, ancestrally-familiar modes of communication.
Models from epidemiology are increasingly used to better understand how misinformation spreads in online networks.
Rates of anxiety and depression have been rising in children since the 1980’s and might have accelerated during the last ten years.
Scientists respond to the media buzz about their research that went viral.While scientists increasingly have become interested in publicizing science and publishing popular books, media have played important roles in translating science from the field or laboratory to the public domain. Thus, scientists, media, and the public flanked by industry, business, and government define the consortium of producers, consumers, and sponsors of discovery.
Key mental developments within the human lineage may have been linked with a highly variable environment.