ProSocial Projects
Projects and evidence for ProSocial applied in the world

Introduction to ProSocial Spirituality
Introduction to ProSocial Spirituality, featuring Dr. David Sloan Wilson and our team of researchers focused on understanding the social contexts in which cooperative behaviors are reinforced more than selfish behaviors

Science of the Noosphere
The Science of the Noosphere masterclass, a partnership between Human Energy and ProSocial World, aimed to unite a diverse group of participants interested in exploring the concept of the noosphere—a collective sphere of human knowledge, culture, and potential.

Testing Hypotheses about Meaning Systems in Real-World Settings
The aim of this proposal was to integrate science and spirituality in real-world settings, based on the conceptual foundation of modern evolutionary science and a practical framework for working with groups pioneered by the nonprofit organization ProSocial World. Full report and video available to view. Project supported in part by the Templeton Religion Trust (TRT).

ProSocial World’s Spiritual Communities Initiative Preliminary Research Report
A ProSocial World research initiative funded by the John Templeton Foundation, the ProSocial Spiritual Communities Initiative, aims to integrate contemplative practices and interspiritual elements into ProSocial World’s scientifically-based framework.

ProSocial World Latin America: Journey of the Heart
The study implemented a culturally adapted ProSocial Process aimed at connecting educational, environmental conservation, and social service efforts across Latin America to create a sustainable network of change makers and reweave the cultural fabric.

Multilevel cultural evolution: From new theory to practical applications
An article providing an overview of the developments of evolutionary science, from gene-centric theories to the formal study of human cultural evolution and its maturation to deriving practical applications.

Generalizing the core design principles for the efficacy of groups
Seminal article co-authored by David Sloan Wilson, Elinor Ostrom, and Michael E. Cox, published in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, that provides background on the origins of the Core Design Principles (CDPs), beginning with how they were derived for assessing collaboration for communities that manage common-pool resources to how they can be generalized for any collective group.

San Antonio Case Study
Case study that analyzes the efforts made within San Antonio, TX, to become a Compassionate City.
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