Yukie is a contextual behavior analyst, educator/coach, consultant, and researcher who is passionate about promoting and disseminating prosociality within and across selves and groups at various levels through the lens of contextual behavioral science, evolutionary science, and the science of behavior analysis. She believes that creating psychological and behavioral flexibility at the individual, group, and cultural levels will foster a nurturing environment that prevents various social issues our world faces. Therefore, her practice and research are rooted in Behavior Analysis, Relational Frame Theory, Prosocial work, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training, emphasizing cultural diversity and sensitivity.
Yukie is interested in exploring the multitude of selves within an individual and organization, understanding how they develop collective and individualistic cultures within themselves and the group through dynamic contingencies, and finding ways for these selves to coexist harmoniously.
Born and raised in Japan and educated and living in the U.S., Yukie provides training, education, and consultations for individuals and groups of students, professionals, and organizations in both countries in Japanese and English, focusing on the areas mentioned above. She holds the position of Advanced Research Project Instructor at Graduate and Professional Studies at the Chicago School and the President and CEO of ACT Prosocial Design as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level and International Behavior analyst. Additionally, she is one of the core trainers in the Leading Prosocial and Experience Prosocial programs and the lead moderator for the ACBS professionals listserv.