My name is Jenny Blaauwbroek and I'm proud to be the coach in the Prosocialcourse. I'm 57 years old (already) and I live in Groningen, The Netherlands. I have worked 35 years at the municipality of Groningen in several functions. The last one was sustainability advisor at the Human Resource Department. In 2009 I learned about ACT and I realized that I wanted to work with that more. So I started my own training company called Bamboe-ACT. When I went to the first world conference of the ACBS in 2017 I met Paul Atkins and he told me about Prosocial. I attended the facilitators’ course and this was exactly what I was missing in working with ACT. I want to bring ACT in organizations and Prosocial is a great method to do that. My ambition is to bring ACT and Prosocial to schools so the kids can learn to behave effectively and hopefully that will change the world a bit in a better way!I'm married and we love traveling. Now I'm a tourist in my own region which has beautiful parts where we cycle to enjoy the scenery.