Seminar: From Grievance to Gratitude: Discovering the Quantum Tunnel to Joy with Emanuel Kuntzelman

Friday November 15th at 12pm ET

ProSocial Commons

Free Seminar and Q&A Session


Throughout the history of human presence on planet Earth, ours has been a story of suffering and hardship. With only a few brief exceptions, our lives have been initially a struggle for survival in a desperate search for food and shelter, followed by blood-thirsty battles rooted in religion, politics and just plain greed. Humanity’s inhumanity to itself is likely unparalleled by any other species. As a result, no matter what lineage our current incarnation comes from, we all have grievances. We all have a great excuse to be angry with the world.

Whether or not we believe in reincarnation per se, there is undeniably a karmic field that burdens us all. Experiments with rats have shown that when they receive electrical shocks associated with, for example, the smell of almonds and cherries, up to five generations of their offspring will still experience fear if they smell almonds and cherries. The horrors and suffering from our history, our past lives if you will, or the collective karma of our ancestors, hang over our psychological state like dark storm clouds. After being exposed to such trauma for millions of years, it is no wonder that the human psyche is predisposed to feeling some sort of grievance towards someone or some circumstance outside of ourselves.

At the same time, however, we have more reasons than ever before to allow ourselves to feel good about our lives. There are currently billions of people alive today who have creature comforts far beyond what the richest royalty had up to a couple of hundred years ago. Food, fresh water, plumbing, climate control and safe dwellings abound in most of our lives, particularly in North American and Europe. Yet people seem just as angry, or more so, as we have ever been. Many of us are ready to forego the hard-earned rights and freedoms of democracy for some kind of exclusive autocracy that promises a solution to the grievances we carry. Perhaps, if we could just drop those grievances for a moment, we could enjoy the wonders of the lives many of us are actually living.

But such statements usually stir up protest in a listener. “You can’t just drop grievances that easily,” I have been told. “All this trauma requires years of therapy and healing.” Maybe so. Looking at the current obsession with healing our psychic issues, it is easy to assume there is no other choice but to indulge our suffering and spend a good part of our lives treating our trauma.

Yet there is another choice. We can reprogram ourselves to make a leap into a new outlook on our life that eliminates grievance and allows us to be grateful for all the wonder and joy it is possible to experience. When energy is absorbed by an atom, the electrons can instantaneously leap into a new, wider orbit, without passing through space and time. They can go from orbit A to B in literally no time through a so-called quantum tunnel. Beyond the hard, 3-D world of our presence and personal perceptions, there is a vast field of potential that we can access. It can take us from grievance to gratitude in less than a heartbeat. Let’s explore the path through that tunnel of the mind and emerge in a field of joy…

About the Speaker:

Emanuel Kuntzelman is an entrepreneur, writer, philosopher, philanthropist and activist for social
transformation. He began his adult life by traveling the world on a decade-long quest for his
spiritual purpose before beginning his professional career in the field of cultural exchange, in which
he founded and managed numerous exchange organizations in Spain, the U.S. and the U.K. Having
created Greenheart International in 1985, he still serves as Senior Advisor to the organization. He is
also the co-founder of Fundación por el Futuro in Madrid, Spain, and has been its President since
1995. His work in consciousness movements includes being a founding co-creator of the Global
Purpose Movement and Purpose Earth, as well as his collaboration as a member of the Evolutionary
Leaders Circle. Emanuel is a board member and/or advisor to numerous organizations in the
conscious community. He is co-editor of the anthology Purpose Rising (2017) and has contributed
articles to a wide variety of publications. He is also co-editor of The Holomovement: Embracing
Our Collective Purpose to Unite Humanity (2023). His vision of the Holomovement is a project he
has been working on for over fifty years and is now the primary initiative of his work. More
information can be found at and