Regenerating the Earth with ProSocial Introduction Webinar

Monday June 26 at 7p EDT
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Attend an introductory webinar to learn more about Regenerating Earth with ProSocial learning journey.

This is the introductory webinar for the Regenerating Earth with ProSocial learning journey.

Over 6 weeks, we will explore the planetary predicament humanity is in with an empowering focus on how to guide the intentional cultural evolution of trust and cooperation at different scales. This includes real-world examples of landscape restoration where diverse people come together around the shared purpose of restoring rivers and bringing forests back to degraded landscapes.

The course will unfold organically in response to the needs and interests of students, but always holding in mind our core question. We will introduce the basics in the first weeks, then respond to the themes that emerge from the community conversations. There will be opportunities for sub-groups to form around particular sectors or questions, and pursue their own interests.There will also be an opportunity for you to complete a hands-on project to enhance a group or network that you are passionate about. At the end of the course, you will have a broad understanding of an emerging approach for working with complexity in human systems, and you will have joined a global community of people using ProSocial to make a difference. If you want to learn what ProSocial is and how it can aid you in your work to regenerate the Earth, this is your next step.

Find out more about this course.