Becoming Prosocial

June 4 - July 17 & October 1 - November 12 2024

Learning and Engagement

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Building Trust and Collaboration in our Groups and Networks

This guided learning journey will introduce the basics of the ProSocial method as an applied change process and welcome participants into our growing global ProSocial Commons community. This course provides weekly peer-group meetings to discuss, explore and deepen the work. Participants will be supported in identifying and working on their particular collaborative needs and goals.  

When is this course offered?

June 4 to July 17, 2024 and October 1 to November 12, 2024

Who is this course for?

Individuals or groups who want to learn ProSocial methods and concepts within a learning community of like-minded change makers.

What is the time commitment?

At the minimum the time commitment is 2 hours per week.

  • 30 minutes per week assimilating Intro to ProSocial materials.
  • 90 minutes community call to practice together.