Our impact is woven into the lives of diverse groups and communities around the world.

Consciously evolving a world that works for all.

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Becoming ProSocial

This guided learning journey will introduce the basics of the ProSocial method as an applied change process and welcome participants into our growing global ProSocial Commons community.

This course provides weekly peer-group meetings to discuss, explore and deepen the work. Participants will be supported in identifying and working on their particular collaborative needs and goals.  

New and Featured Articles

September 4, 2024

Humans: Smart Enough to Create Processed Foods, Daft Enough to Eat Them

We’ve long suspected that natural foods are better for health, but there are now clues that living foods might play a crucial part in our evolutionary history.

August 13, 2024

Do We Sleep Better Than Our Ancestors? How Natural Selection and Modern Life Have Shaped Human Sleep

August 10, 2024

Evolving Prosocial Cities, with Jonathan Rose

August 9, 2024

Theory and Practice of Environmental Property, with Michael Cox

August 27, 2024

To Infinity and Beyond

In our appreciation of life, our human constructed world, and art, let us celebrate not just infinite potential but the full evolutionary process.

August 27, 2024

Ecological Economics through the Lens of a New Paradigm, with Robert Costanza

August 7, 2024

Assessing the Complexity/Evolution Paradigm, with Eric Beihocker

Join us for a discussion with the leading expert on an economic paradigm based on complex systems science and evolutionary science.

July 16, 2024

The Future of the Ancestral Health Movement

July 10, 2024

Is Cancer a Disease of Civilization?

July 3, 2024

The Darwinian Causes of Mental Illness

August 6, 2024

The Formations of a Spiritual Society

Egalitarianism was the chosen mold for society throughout most of our evolutionary history because it maintains both the individual and social levels better than the alternatives.

July 23, 2024

Public Health and Evolutionary Mismatch: The Tragedy of Unnecessary Suffering and Death

The current anti-vaccination movement is a result, in part, of the innate cognitive biases inherent in our nervous systems that evolved to deal with problems in a very different premodern world.
